


 Force & Motion

Prepared by:

 Muhammad Younas Qaisrani

No of MCQs



50 Min

Force and Motion 

  •  This section introduces the abecedarian generalities of force and stir.

  •   Explains the difference between scalar and vector amounts

  •  Introduces the conception of Newton's three laws of stir. 

Newton's Laws

  •  Covers Newton's First Law( the law of indolence) and explains how an object in stir stays in stir and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an external force. 

  •  Discusses Newton's Second Law( F = ma) and how the force applied to an object is directly commensurable to its acceleration and mass.

  •   Explores Newton's Third Law, which states that for every action, there's an equal and contrary response. 


  •   Examines the force of disunion and its part in opposing the relative stir between two objects. 

  •  Describes the factors affecting disunion and its practical operations. 

Gravitational Force

  •    Covers the conception of universal solemnity.

  •   Explains how graveness is responsible for the stir of globes, satellites, and objects on Earth. 

  •  Discusses the conception of weight and how it relates to graveness.

Summary of Chapter

  The chapter on" Force and Motion" in the FSC Punjab Board class provides a comprehensive understanding of the abecedarian principles that govern the physical world. It starts with an preface to force and stir, distinguishing between scalar and vector amounts, and presenting Newton's three laws of stir. These laws serve as the foundation for the posterior motifs. The chapter explores colorful aspects of force and stir, including Newton's laws, disunion, indirect stir, gravitational force, and work, energy, and power. Through clear explanations and practical exemplifications, scholars gain perceptivity into the workings of the physical macrocosm, from the forces responsible for keeping objects in stir to the impact of graveness on elysian bodies. By studying this chapter, scholars not only make a strong foundation in drugs but also develop a deeper appreciation for the abecedarian principles that shape our understanding of the physical world. Understanding the laws of force and stir is pivotal for a wide range of scientific and engineering operations, making this chapter a foundation of the FSC class.