


 Basic Concepts + Atomic Structure

Prepared by:

 Muhammad Younas Qaisrani

No of MCQs



50 Min

Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry:

  •  Chemistry is the wisdom that explores the composition, structure, parcels, and geste

  • of matter. 

  •  It plays a vital part in understanding the world around us, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.

  •   Chemistry is frequently appertained to as the" central wisdom" because it connects other natural lores. 

  •  Chemical responses are the base for changes that do by matter, leading to new substances with distinct parcels. 

  • Abecedarian generalities in chemistry give a foundation for advanced studies and practical operations in colorful fields. 

 Atomic Structure 

  •   Tittles are the introductory structure blocks of matter and the lowest units of an element.

  •   The infinitesimal nexus contains protons and neutrons, while electrons circumvent the nexus in energy situations or shells.

  •   The number of protons in an snippet's nexus determines its infinitesimal number, relating the element.

  •   Isotopes are tittles of the same element with different figures of neutrons, leading to variations in infinitesimal mass. 

  •  Electrons are negatively charged and are responsible for chemical cling and the reactivity of rudiments.

  •   Quantum mechanics plays a pivotal part in understanding electron geste

within an snippet. 

  • infinitesimal mass is determined by the combined mass of protons and neutrons in the nexus.

  •   Rudiments are organized in the periodic table, reflecting infinitesimal structure and parcels. 

  •  The periodic table groups rudiments grounded on analogous characteristics and parcels.

  •   Knowledge of infinitesimal structure is essential for understanding chemical cling and the gester of matter in chemical responses.